
NOVEMBER 14, 2007 I have class in the morning , the subject are introduction to psychology is the systematic,scientific study of behaviors and mental processes.Today we start about befinition of psychology. When we think of psychology ,we may think of helping people with mentel problem. However, including Donna's autistic behaviors and studnts'test anxiety, as well as hundreds of other behaviors.For this reason, we need a very broad de finition of psychology. Psychology is the systematic ,scientific study of behaviors and mental process. What's important about this definition is thar each of its terms has a broader meaning. For example, behaviors refers to observable actions or responses in borth humans and animals.Behaviors might include eating, speaking,lavghing,running,reading and sleeping. Mental processes,which are not directly observable,refer to a wide range of complex ment processes, such as thinking, imagining, studying and dreaming. The current broad definition of psychology grew out of discussions and heared arguments among early psychologists, who defined psychology much more specifically, as we'll discuss later in this module. Although the current definition of psychology is very broad, psychologists usually have four specific gaals in mind when they study some behaviors or mental process, such as Donna's autistic experiences.

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