
Basic ADR processes

TODAY, ADR is uesd to settle avariety of disputes in American institutions, including the family, churches,schools,the workplace,government agencies, and the courts. ADR is not widely used in cases of intractable con flict until those conflicts seem to become ready ( some say "ripe") for resolution. This sometimes happens when the conflict reaches a hurting stalemate- a situation where it become clear that neither side can win; yet,they are being substantially hurt by continuing the struggle. Ripeness is crucial for ADR processes to work effectively,and ADR has been used in appropriate casas. For example;
- Arbitration and negotiation have become common way to resolve difficult international business disputes;
- Mediation and arbitration are now commonly used to settle labor-management disputes that often used to seem like intractable situations ( See the essay on formerly intractable conflicts.);
- International mediation has been used to resolve difficult international and ethnic conflicts,with varying degrees of success;
- Consensus building has become a popular process for dealing with public-policy disputes,especially intractable environmental disputes.

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