TOday i want present about star from holland. I must agree also in Holland and Belgium many fanciers should be less naive, they go to a "great name" to have his strain, but this "great name" himself buys pigeons everywhere and even they can't claim to have a "family". For example: Dutchmen and Belgians go to Van de Wegen, Braakhuis, Vanhee, Toye, etc. to buy their birds. But all of these men bought at least one of the parents of their best racers from somewhere else. So we want, for example, a Grondelaers pigeon, but Mr. Grondelaers has not got the Grondelaers strain himself. He knows .super-pigeons are mostly from complete crosses and for that reason he buys also pigeons fromeverywhere else.
This is the one element we have to contend with, I know there is much cheating. I know how eager many Dutchmen and Belgians are to sell and I also know they don't feel ashamed to lie about their results in a way that embarrasse me as a Dutchman. How bad these lies are I could never even have dreamed of, and all this for the money.For example: a man unheard of in Holland, completely unimportant as far as championships are concerned is adored in England and the USA as a God. The question is: how could it go that far? How did people manage to build up such a great name? People who mean nothing, the only thing they have to sell is'castles in the air', dreams and illusions! The name and the quality of the birds, they are quite different things. A man does not necessarily have good pigeons because he has a great name. When somebody has not got a great name it does not mean he can't have good birds. It is often the opposite.You know what the really good racers do? What made them so great? They did not care about the name, but got their birds from completely unknown fanciers - with the good birds! Indeed many great names, in fact nearly all, were made by fanciers who were virtually unknown. Sometimes, when you read all the rubbish that's written, especially abroad, one wonders if the race results still have any value. If the results in the races say whether you aregreat or not.Men with the super-birds, with the super-results will never be recognised abroad if they do not know how to deal with their publicity, their propaganda machine. One of these super-racers, one of these fanciers with breath-taking results we're going to introduce in this issue.
His name? Klaas Krom! I'm convinced our foreign readers have never heard of him. But what happened some weeks ago? He had an auction of late youngsters. Never have there been so many people at an auction, among them great names, known all over the world. Many of them bought birds to improve their own loft. Hoping they can finally boast of successes abroad. Most successful fanciers do not need to buy the name, nor do they need the pedigree. The holy pedigree!
Klaas Krom
He is in his late forties, he has the character of a real winner. After a race, Klaas is seldom satisfied, although others would be very happy with his results, even though he feels ashamed. Even worse, they make him sick. When he was not the best.in a race he sometimes went to bed after it. These are the real champions in our sport dear reader, fanciers who really can't bear it if they are beaten. Maybe because of this character Klaas has'created' a type of bird which we can describe as a real all-round pigeon. Pigeons that win races of 100 miles in easy weather, but birds which are unbeatable at the same time from 700 miles with headwinds and in hot weather! In fact, there are very few strains of pigeons which are good for 100 miles and also 700 miles. The pigeons of Krom are, however. Most of his birds descend from the same parents. One must realise however that Klaas Krom had very good pigeons in the seventies, but as a winner always said, he wanted better birds. He studied the results of others and came to the conclusion that Vroomen Bros had pigeons such as he wanted. Really strong birds which were at their best in very hard weather. So to these brothers he went. They were his type and what is important, the results were also there.

FAMOUS RUFFEC 300 NL83-259300 !!
The pigeons which made Vroomen Bros so popular were: NL90-890950, "DE LANGE NEK". This "Long Neck" was a miracle as a racer, but an even better breeder. The blood is Lycops, one of those old Belgian strains that never got the fame they deserved. Half of the pigeons this 'Long Neck' bred were super-birds. The most important was possibly: "IJZEREN 50" This son of of "Lange Nek" won: 1.392 p 1 st , 2.138p-1 st, 1.091 p - 1st , 2.320 p - 1 st , 940 p - 1 st, 422 p - 1st … etc. Also this "Yzeren 50" was a very good breeder like his father. Once from Chateauroux (580 Km) 4 pigeons arrived almost together. Against 2000 birds they won 3, 7, 14, 15. They were 4 brothers: 4 sons of "Lange Nek". One of these was "Yzeren 50". SUPERCRACK 10", another flying miracle at Vroomen's Loft provincial, against thousands of birds and always at distances of about 600 Kms it won: 20th Provincial Argenton, 3rd Provincial Argenton, 14th Provincial Chateauroux, 3 rd Provincial Argenton.
Just to show how superior the birds of Klaas Krom are: In 1985 there was a very hard race from Compiegne. No less than 22,367 birds were entered. It was so hot, the headwinds were so strong that only 10 birds of more than 22,000 managed to have a higher speed than 1 Kilometer per hour. Among them were 3 birds of Klaas Krom and 2 birds which he had given to other fanciers!
"ARGENTON NL79-1976305. Direct son of the "Lange Nek", best long-distance bird in Limburg in 1982 8,000 fanciers. Again we see how the descendants of "Lange Nek" are at their best at longer distances. Then we come to the base pigeon at Vroomen's loft: "THE KENNEDY". This pigeon won several firsts, among them 1 st Provincial Orleans against thousands of birds. From all the above birds Klaas Krom bought pigeons. Somewhere else he bought a Desmet Mathys hen and within 3 years he was at the top of Dutch pigeon sport. He bred many birds, he crossed, practised inbreeding, raced, selected and now he is described in the magazines as probably the best fancier of Holland. All this proven by f breathtaking results at all distances, with a preference for the 600 Km races. In 1985 no less than 81 % of his pigeons entered won prizes at long distance. Nobody did better that year. His birds went to other lofts: nearly everybody was surprised at the quality, and his name escalated to new heights.
Bourges 540 km: 202 pigeons: 1, 2, 3,4, 7, 18 (7 entered) , Orleans 470 km 219 pigeons: 2, 3, 4,15, 27, 28(7 entered) Chateauroux 600 km 8,203 pigeons: 2, 25, 64, 169, 461 (6 entered), Ruffec 800 km 6,038 pigeons: 5, 137 /2 entered), Compiegne 400 km 22,367 pigeons: 3, 4, 6, etc! Chateauroux 600 km 7,133 pigeons: 1, 15, 41, 108, 336 (4 entered) Corbeil 450 km 9,960 pigeons: 1, 11, 14, 39 etc. (10 entered, the 7th pigeon won 173!) St Ghislain 453 pigeons: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc. 10 entered
This is only a summary, however, it shows quite well that Klaas Krom deserves this article featuring him.
He had an auction of late youngsters in December, he hardly had any publicity (great fanciers with super-birds do not need this) and never ever were there so many people at an auction in South Holland. He made more than 500 Guilders average per bird after all expenses. Many auctions are boosted by the sale of one or two extremely expensive pigeons to have a higher average price, but this is not so of this modest man. They do not need cheating. Klaas Krom always claims "The more publicity, the nicer the pedigree, the worse the quality of the birds!" How right he is.
Some remarks of the champion Klaas Krom:
- "A champion has to kill all his good birds. He must only keep the very good."
- "A fancier who administers too much medicine ruins his birds forever."
- "To be the best of all you must never be satisfied."
- "If you have only one hour per day to spare for your pigeons you can forget becoming a Super-champion.
- "For a race, only pigeons may be entered which are so healthy, so motivated that they are able to win a first prize. Others should be left at home.
- "Motivation, both of the bird and the fancier, is the magic word in modern pigeon racing."
This is the one element we have to contend with, I know there is much cheating. I know how eager many Dutchmen and Belgians are to sell and I also know they don't feel ashamed to lie about their results in a way that embarrasse me as a Dutchman. How bad these lies are I could never even have dreamed of, and all this for the money.For example: a man unheard of in Holland, completely unimportant as far as championships are concerned is adored in England and the USA as a God. The question is: how could it go that far? How did people manage to build up such a great name? People who mean nothing, the only thing they have to sell is'castles in the air', dreams and illusions! The name and the quality of the birds, they are quite different things. A man does not necessarily have good pigeons because he has a great name. When somebody has not got a great name it does not mean he can't have good birds. It is often the opposite.You know what the really good racers do? What made them so great? They did not care about the name, but got their birds from completely unknown fanciers - with the good birds! Indeed many great names, in fact nearly all, were made by fanciers who were virtually unknown. Sometimes, when you read all the rubbish that's written, especially abroad, one wonders if the race results still have any value. If the results in the races say whether you aregreat or not.Men with the super-birds, with the super-results will never be recognised abroad if they do not know how to deal with their publicity, their propaganda machine. One of these super-racers, one of these fanciers with breath-taking results we're going to introduce in this issue.
His name? Klaas Krom! I'm convinced our foreign readers have never heard of him. But what happened some weeks ago? He had an auction of late youngsters. Never have there been so many people at an auction, among them great names, known all over the world. Many of them bought birds to improve their own loft. Hoping they can finally boast of successes abroad. Most successful fanciers do not need to buy the name, nor do they need the pedigree. The holy pedigree!
Klaas Krom
He is in his late forties, he has the character of a real winner. After a race, Klaas is seldom satisfied, although others would be very happy with his results, even though he feels ashamed. Even worse, they make him sick. When he was not the best.in a race he sometimes went to bed after it. These are the real champions in our sport dear reader, fanciers who really can't bear it if they are beaten. Maybe because of this character Klaas has'created' a type of bird which we can describe as a real all-round pigeon. Pigeons that win races of 100 miles in easy weather, but birds which are unbeatable at the same time from 700 miles with headwinds and in hot weather! In fact, there are very few strains of pigeons which are good for 100 miles and also 700 miles. The pigeons of Krom are, however. Most of his birds descend from the same parents. One must realise however that Klaas Krom had very good pigeons in the seventies, but as a winner always said, he wanted better birds. He studied the results of others and came to the conclusion that Vroomen Bros had pigeons such as he wanted. Really strong birds which were at their best in very hard weather. So to these brothers he went. They were his type and what is important, the results were also there.

FAMOUS RUFFEC 300 NL83-259300 !!
The pigeons which made Vroomen Bros so popular were: NL90-890950, "DE LANGE NEK". This "Long Neck" was a miracle as a racer, but an even better breeder. The blood is Lycops, one of those old Belgian strains that never got the fame they deserved. Half of the pigeons this 'Long Neck' bred were super-birds. The most important was possibly: "IJZEREN 50" This son of of "Lange Nek" won: 1.392 p 1 st , 2.138p-1 st, 1.091 p - 1st , 2.320 p - 1 st , 940 p - 1 st, 422 p - 1st … etc. Also this "Yzeren 50" was a very good breeder like his father. Once from Chateauroux (580 Km) 4 pigeons arrived almost together. Against 2000 birds they won 3, 7, 14, 15. They were 4 brothers: 4 sons of "Lange Nek". One of these was "Yzeren 50". SUPERCRACK 10", another flying miracle at Vroomen's Loft provincial, against thousands of birds and always at distances of about 600 Kms it won: 20th Provincial Argenton, 3rd Provincial Argenton, 14th Provincial Chateauroux, 3 rd Provincial Argenton.
Just to show how superior the birds of Klaas Krom are: In 1985 there was a very hard race from Compiegne. No less than 22,367 birds were entered. It was so hot, the headwinds were so strong that only 10 birds of more than 22,000 managed to have a higher speed than 1 Kilometer per hour. Among them were 3 birds of Klaas Krom and 2 birds which he had given to other fanciers!
"ARGENTON NL79-1976305. Direct son of the "Lange Nek", best long-distance bird in Limburg in 1982 8,000 fanciers. Again we see how the descendants of "Lange Nek" are at their best at longer distances. Then we come to the base pigeon at Vroomen's loft: "THE KENNEDY". This pigeon won several firsts, among them 1 st Provincial Orleans against thousands of birds. From all the above birds Klaas Krom bought pigeons. Somewhere else he bought a Desmet Mathys hen and within 3 years he was at the top of Dutch pigeon sport. He bred many birds, he crossed, practised inbreeding, raced, selected and now he is described in the magazines as probably the best fancier of Holland. All this proven by f breathtaking results at all distances, with a preference for the 600 Km races. In 1985 no less than 81 % of his pigeons entered won prizes at long distance. Nobody did better that year. His birds went to other lofts: nearly everybody was surprised at the quality, and his name escalated to new heights.
Bourges 540 km: 202 pigeons: 1, 2, 3,4, 7, 18 (7 entered) , Orleans 470 km 219 pigeons: 2, 3, 4,15, 27, 28(7 entered) Chateauroux 600 km 8,203 pigeons: 2, 25, 64, 169, 461 (6 entered), Ruffec 800 km 6,038 pigeons: 5, 137 /2 entered), Compiegne 400 km 22,367 pigeons: 3, 4, 6, etc! Chateauroux 600 km 7,133 pigeons: 1, 15, 41, 108, 336 (4 entered) Corbeil 450 km 9,960 pigeons: 1, 11, 14, 39 etc. (10 entered, the 7th pigeon won 173!) St Ghislain 453 pigeons: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc. 10 entered
This is only a summary, however, it shows quite well that Klaas Krom deserves this article featuring him.
He had an auction of late youngsters in December, he hardly had any publicity (great fanciers with super-birds do not need this) and never ever were there so many people at an auction in South Holland. He made more than 500 Guilders average per bird after all expenses. Many auctions are boosted by the sale of one or two extremely expensive pigeons to have a higher average price, but this is not so of this modest man. They do not need cheating. Klaas Krom always claims "The more publicity, the nicer the pedigree, the worse the quality of the birds!" How right he is.
Some remarks of the champion Klaas Krom:
- "A champion has to kill all his good birds. He must only keep the very good."
- "A fancier who administers too much medicine ruins his birds forever."
- "To be the best of all you must never be satisfied."
- "If you have only one hour per day to spare for your pigeons you can forget becoming a Super-champion.
- "For a race, only pigeons may be entered which are so healthy, so motivated that they are able to win a first prize. Others should be left at home.
- "Motivation, both of the bird and the fancier, is the magic word in modern pigeon racing."

The KLAAS KROM family was a total aquisition in 1994. When Herman Beverdam bought the famous "RAKET", NL84-226320, highest priced pigeon at the total sale of the famous Vroomen Brothers of Geverik a new family of exceptional birds was introduced in his loft. The Vroomen Brothers of Geverik were highly respected champions and had with NL70-850950, the foundation cock "LANGE NEK" a superior racer. He won as a yearling 2 FIRSTS in his Federation and Combine with minutes in front and as a 2-year old he was ACE-PIGEON DAY-FOND. In 16 years he put a whole series of exceptional champions on the world ! One of them was the famous "WONDERE IJZEREN 50", NL74-885750, his performance in the race team was sensational winning:
1975. 1st. SENS O.S. BEEK 802 birds, 1st TROYES O.S. birds 1.292 BIRDS, 1st C.C. WESTER 2.000 birds, 1st SENS ZLU 900 birds.
1976. 1st. TROYES O.S. BEEK 1.091 birds, 1st SENS O.S. BEEK 780 birds, 1st. SENS C.C. WESTER 2.320 birds, 1st SENS ZLU 590 birds, 1st ARGENTON O.C. BEEK.

NL74-885750, "WONDEREN IJZEREN 50 "
26320. "RAKET", 1st Prov. Limoges 3.100 birds!
The other was the "RAKET", NL84-226320, the true sensation of "LANGE NEK" winning a great series of prizes and topping it off with FIRST PROVINCIAL LIMOGES, he was a pigeon with gold on every feather, quoting the saleslist! ! It was with decendants of the famous "LANGE NEK" that founded the "KLAAS KROM" family! Knowing that he was in the possesion of an exceptional pigeon, the "RAKET", HERMAN started to look for more of this strain. In 1992 the firsts contacts with Klaas Krom were initiated and rest came from itself, as the immediate results with these birds were pheonominal! Up to today I believe that better DAY-FOND birds will be hard to come by !

NL91-2750194 BEST WHZB 1994!
Also many NATIONAL ACE PIGEONS carry this incredible potent blood, the NATIONAL BEST COCK in 1994, 8th BEST COCK OF HOLLAND 1993 of the combination "KEUNEN-NIJSSEN" of Sevenum, NL91-2750194, is bred from NL88-1691033, bred by Klaas Krom from the no. 1 pair! He also got the "KROM" LOOKS ! See his photo on this page!
The NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MIDDLE DISTANCE 1996 was won by BERTUS CAMPHUIS in EEFDE, the birds that brought him the CHAMPIONSHIP were......DECENDANTS and CHILDREN OFF THE "KROM-PAIR" !!! The "KROM PAIR" was NL84-1414284, bred by KLAAS KROM from his famous "300", NL83-259300, 4th NATIONAL YOUNG ACE PIGEON W.H.Z.B. , when paired to NL88-166300, from son VERBART 46 and the "KARIN KANIA", NL86-905384, also bred by KLAAS KROM, full-sister of the foundation hen "GRIJS 336", NL86-905336, the hen of PAIR NO. 1 ! The "KROM PAIR", bred a load of sensational racers, NL89-2571442, four years ace pigeon, NL89-6019724, when six years old still both cocks winning 1st and 2nd ACE PIGEON in ZUTHPEN FEDERATION, 3rd NATIONAL CHAMPION OF HOLLAND in 1995!!
NL89-2571442 paired to full-sister of "WONDERBOY 05" !
NL89-6019724 PAIRED TO DAM OF "WONDERBOYS 05 & 06 "!
NL89-6019724, "THE CHAMP"!! Six years old CHAMPION PIGEON !!
1st NATIONAL CHAMPION MIDDLE DISTANCE in 1996 and one of the key players was: NL93-2101462, winner of 4 firsts club in 1995, son of the "KROM PAIR"! This pair is responsible for exceptional performance in many lofts world-wide! Didn't breed Marcel Sangers most of his NATIONAL ACES from Bertus Campuis stock? To cut a long story short: the succes of the KLAAS KROM birds in the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS, COMBINE, FEDERATION and CLUB winnings is beyond comparison! On the day, the pigeons of the future!

NL86-16080668. "WITBEF"
son IJZEREN 50.
NL86-905336. "GRIJS 336".
Sire is NL86-1680668, "WITBEF", bred by Vroomen Brothers Geverik, from the foundation cock NL74-885750, "WONDERE IJZEREN 50 ", see his performance above ! "WONDERE IJZEREN 50" was a son of the foundation cock NL70-890950, "LANGE NEK", when paired to NL72-600217, the "KWEEKMOEDERTJE"!
Dam of champion producer "WITBEF" is NL83-1131262, "AARDEN 262", bred by Frits Rennenberg Bingelrade, from NL79-2030251, "BAARD", and NL79-325422, "SISTER 66", or "MADAME BARCELONA", 5 years running topprizes National and International Barcelona, daughter from the foundation pair NL72-313642, son of the world famous "131" of Jan de Weert, when paired to NL72-313660, daughter of full-brother "131" Jan de Weert and NL69-2095461, daughter "131"!!! "BAARD 251", was again bred from a son of the foundation pair "642" and "660", thus very inbred to the legend "131" of Jan de Weert!
Dam is NL86-905336, "GRIJS 336", SUPREME STOCKHEN, sister and half sister of more that 20 FIRST PRIZE WINNERS and dam and granddam of countless WINNERS, CHAMPIONS and ACE-PIGEONS ! She is daughter of NL79-1976351, "GROTE ORLEANS", sire of over 20 first prize winners, bred by Vroomen Brothers from NL72-689222, "DEN ORLEANS", a pure "Warre Goossens" Aerschot (B.) cock, bred from NL68-1265742, from son ACE PIGEON OF BELGIUM and sister "90"of legendary ace flyer Piet Meeuvissen Meersen, when paired to NL69-63324, daughter of ACE PIGEON BELGIUM Warre Goossens and the WONDERHEN, from the superchampions "DARRIGADE" of Warre Goossens! Warre Goossens was a true phenomical fanciers who trurned the world up-side down, with his fantastic wins! His birds originated mainly from the JANSSEN BROTHERS! Dam of "GROTE ORLEANS", is NL78-1023714, "GRIJZE SJEK", daughter of NL74-885750, "WONDERE IJZEREN 50" and NL72-677236, daughter of NL68-1265701, "701" Warre Goossens" and B67-1004754, "VERENPOOT", Warre Goossens! You sometimes will be confronted with "featherleggs" in this family, now you know where they come from ! Dam of the famous "GRIJS 336" is B85-6382201, "GOEDE 01", bred by JANSSEN BROTHERS of ARENDONK, from B79-6264424, "SON GOEDDUIFJE van '72", when paired to B79-6263299, "DAUGHTER GOEDE JAARLING '72", B72-6112522 and B75-6100286, daughter of "ROODOOGSKE" and "GOEDDUIFKE van '72 ", B72-6112590!

PAIR NO. 2. Sire is NL92-1044426, "LIEVELING", CHAMPION RACER, son from the foundation pair "WITBEF" AND "GRIJS 336"! Also "LIEVELING" has bred winners and specially in combination with "46" VERBART lines succes is within reach! His hen for 2001 is NL94-2542309, "ROVERKE", bred by B. Camphuis Eefde from NL89-1140179, INBRED "46", from NL88-1662954, "BLAUWE ROVER", from son "46" NL80-1987177, "ROVER" and NL82-2104158, "SISTER ROOIE APPIE", when paired to NL79-808548, direct daughter of the famous NL65-1384946, "46" VERBART ! Dam of "ROVERKE" is NL91-1578598, "VOSKE", daughter of NL85-722613, "FATHER WONDERBOY'S", when paired to NL82-2140793, "SISTER OSCAR", inbred "531" WOUT SMEULDERS !

NL94-1288045. "JONGE WITB
NL92-1044439. "WITPEN 300"
PAIR NO. 3. Sire NL94-1288045, "JONGE WITBEF", exceptional producer from the foundation pair "WITBEF" and "GRIJS 336"! He has bred winners and topclass producers world-wide ! His hen for 2001 is NL92-1044439, direct daughter of the other legend of Klaas Kroms, "CHAMPION RUFFEC 300", NL83-2593300, "CHAMPION ACE PIGEON KUSTSTROOK", 4th NATIONAL ACE YB W.H.Z.B. , sire of the loft, see also the performance of his grandchildren at Bertus Camphuis loft ! "RUFFEC 300" is son of NL78-1023732, "ZWARTE NEK", son of NL70-890950, "LANGE NEK", THE FOUNDER OF THE STRAIN, when paired to NL69-63324, daughter ACE PIGEON OF BELGIUM WARRE GOOSSENS! Dam of "300"is NL80-340132, daughter of the "ACE 32", NL76-837732, son of "LANGE NEK"and "KWEEKMOEDERTJE"!

NL96-2684792. "FAVORIET"
NL97-2005686. "SUPER 23"
PAIR NO. 4. Sire NL96-2684792, "FAVORIET", son of the foundation pair "WITBEF"and "GRIJS 336" ! This cock has bred winners and champions specially with "DAUGHTER SUPER 23", NL97-2005686, the 1999 Champion Middle Distance was bred and the same cock is in 2000, 2nd GENERAAL CHAMPION PV LUCHTBODE! Daughter "SUPER 23", is bred by Comb. Brouwers & Kodama, off their foundation cock, sire of the loft that has unbeaten performance on MUNICH NATIONAL, "SUPER 23", NL86-1710123, sire of WINNERS and CHAMPIONS like the "TURBO", 1st Montargis 1.381 birds, 1st Orleans 682 birds, 1st Rethel 1.880 birds! He was paired to NL96-1182227, "PAM", ACE PIGEON YB, daughter of NL90-1419327, "BASTAARD", 1ST PROVINCIAL ACE PIGEON 1994, 1995, winner of 5 FIRSTS !

NL96-2677777. "SUPER 77777".
NL94-1288050." SCHOONDONKER ".
PAIR NO. 8. Sire NL96-2677777, "SUPER 77777", son of the "WITBEF 308", NL90-1297308, see pair 7, when paired to NL86-905336, "GRIJS 336", the no. 1 foundation hen of the family! "SUPER 77777", is an incredible producer and has bred fantastic birds with different hens. The best results were with the he he will be paired to in 2001, NL94-1288050, "SCHOONDONKER 50", brilliant daughter of "CHAMPION RUFFEC 300", NL83-259300, the superstar for Klaas Krom, see also pair 3. Dam of "SCHOONDONKER 50" is NL92-1044425, the winning nest-mate of champion producer "LIEVELING", see pair 2. GREAT PAIR !
NL94-1288051. "JONGE RUFFEC 300"
NL97-2561255. "BERTINE".
PAIR NO, 9. Sire NL94-1288051, "JONGE RUFFEC 300", the look-a-like son of champion "RUFFEC 300", NL83-259300, 4th NATIONAL ACE YB, foundation cock of the loft Klaas Krom, when paired to NL92-1044425, winner as YB daughter of the foundation pair no 1, "WITBEF" and "GRIJS 336"! "JONGE RUFFEC 300" a superstar in Herman Beverdams stockloft, will be paired to NL97-2561255, "BERTINE", bred by Bertus Camphuis from his famous "KROM-PAIR"! Her sire is NL84-141284, "ZOON RUFFEC 300", direct son of the famous "RUFFEC 300" of Klaas krom, when paired to NL88-1663001, daughter "KARIN KANIA", NL86-905384, full-sister "GRIJS 336"!! FANTASTIC COMBINATION!!
NL98-2219839. "SUPERKROM"
NL97-2608000. "BITCHY"
PAIR NO. 10. Sire NL98-2219839, "SUPERKROM", direct son of the "KROM-PAIR" of Bertus Camphuis Eefde, the pair that bred sensational birds including this real exceptional one ! He is full-brother to the famous champions NL89-442, NL89-724, NL92-216, NL93-546 and many more ! "SUPERKROM" HAS GOT IT ALL! He will be paired to NL97-2608000, "BITCHY", topdaughter of champion "RUFFEC 300", NL83-259300, the foundation cock, when paired to NL93-2798010," CHAMPION 010", sensational racing hen and superior producer bred from NL86-905245, "OUDE KROM",

NL97-2433111. "ORLEANSKE".
"ORLEANSKE", NL97-2433111, brilliant racer as YB scoring in YB Derby MOESKROEN, 8th OPEN COMBINE 12.304 birds, two weeks later 7th OPEN NATIONAL ORLEANS 5.151 birds, both races with headwinds and high temperatures ! "ORLEANSKE" is bred from NL90-2564183, "DONKEREN 183", son of the "OLD KROM", NL86-905245, son of the famous "062", NL81-1485062, winner Chimay, winner Chateauroux, inbred to the foundation cock "LANGE NEK"! Dam of "ORLEANSKE" is NL88-1691083, ZUSTER 300", sister of the famous "RUFFEC 300"! THE OLD LINES IN PERFECTION!
NL97-2608074. "GLADIATOR".
PAIR NO. 17. Sire NL97-2608074, "GLADIATOR", CHAMPION ACE PIGEON LONGDISTANCE CLUB "FOND-UNION TWENTE" 1999, with absolute topperformances on all long-distance races: Etampes, 532 km, 594th of 4.068 birds, Orleans 590 km, 7th 8.069 birds, Bourges 649 km 112th of 5.503 birds, Ruffec 838 km 151th of 4.882 birds, Bergerac 942 km 165th of 3.580 birds ! In 2000 this unique champions starts the scores with Ruffec, 14th National N.P.O. 6.320 birds, Orleans 590 km 7th NATIONAL N.P.O. 9.500 birds! This with an overfly of 60 km !! "GLADIATOR" is a son of NL96-2153376, "DEN HAAN", topclass producer from NL95-1392062, "HIGHLANDER", son "WONDERBOY 05" NL88-2854505, when paired to NL89-1140131, daughter "ROVER", NL80-1987177, son of "VERBART 46"! Dam of "DEN HAAN" is NL95-2663831, "DONNA", daughter of NL86-353966, "PROVO", from son "VERBART 46", NL78-1807811 and B77-6796815, bred by Janssen Brothers from BLAUWE '69 ! Dam of "DONNA"is NL86-871201, "MADONNA", daughter of again son of "VERBART 46 ", NL79-808704, when paired to sister "OLD 05" of Bertus Camphuis. "DONNA" is a full-sister of the "CARWINNER 801" ETAMPES for Bertus Camhuis in Eefde. Dam of "GLADIATOR" is NL91-2054927, "BLAUWWONDER", daughter of the foundation pair no. 1 " WITBEF", NL86-1680668 and NL86-905336, "GRIJS 336"! The hen for "GLADIATOR" is NL94-1287870, "GOED WITBEFJE", top distance hen for Klaas Krom, daughter of NL83-1118025, "JONGE IJZEREN 025", son of NL74-885750, "WONDEREN IJZEREN 50", foundation cock and NL74-673250, "LAAT DONKER", full sister of FIRST INTERPROV. BORDEAUX a 100% DESMET MATHIJS ! Dam of "GOED WITBEFJE" is NL91-2054927, "BLAUWWONDER", daughter of the foundation pair no. 1, see above! HALF-BROTHER-HALF- SISTER MATING OF THE BEST !
NL96-2665521. "WONDERBOY 724"
PAIR NO. 20. Sire NL96-2665521, "WONDERBOY 724", fantastic producer from the cream of the Camphuis Krom family! He is son of NL89-6019724, SPRINT CHAMPION and OVERALL CHAMPION with his full-brother 1st and 2nd place C.C. ZUTHPEN in 1995 being six years old! "724" son of the famous "KROM PAIR", see pair and intro Camphuis results! His dam is NL86-339656, "MOTHER WONDERBOYS", see photo of parents ! This cock is quite unique and his class is sensational! He will be paired to NL94-1287882, "882, DOCHTER 300", direct daughter of the CHAMPION RUFFEC 300, NL83-259300, when paired to NL93-255239, daughter foundation pair "WITBEF" and "GRIJS 336"! A PAIR WITH CLASS GOING BACK TO THE FOUNDATION COCK "RUFFEC 300"!

NL97-5775939. "GOEDE JAARLING".
PAIR NO. 22. Sire NL97-5775939, "GOEDE JAARLING", best raced yearling in 1998 for Bertus Camphuis scoring : 17th of 3.079 birds, 36th of 2.749 birds, 9th of 1.644 birds, 8th of 1.613 birds, 7th of 4.184 birds, etc..! He is son of NL95-5537719, "SCHALIE 719", bred from NL91-1578440, MIDDLE DISTANCE CHAMPION combine Rijn IJssel, when paired to NL91-5033618, dochter brother "Wonderboys".
1975. 1st. SENS O.S. BEEK 802 birds, 1st TROYES O.S. birds 1.292 BIRDS, 1st C.C. WESTER 2.000 birds, 1st SENS ZLU 900 birds.
1976. 1st. TROYES O.S. BEEK 1.091 birds, 1st SENS O.S. BEEK 780 birds, 1st. SENS C.C. WESTER 2.320 birds, 1st SENS ZLU 590 birds, 1st ARGENTON O.C. BEEK.

NL74-885750, "WONDEREN IJZEREN 50 "

The other was the "RAKET", NL84-226320, the true sensation of "LANGE NEK" winning a great series of prizes and topping it off with FIRST PROVINCIAL LIMOGES, he was a pigeon with gold on every feather, quoting the saleslist! ! It was with decendants of the famous "LANGE NEK" that founded the "KLAAS KROM" family! Knowing that he was in the possesion of an exceptional pigeon, the "RAKET", HERMAN started to look for more of this strain. In 1992 the firsts contacts with Klaas Krom were initiated and rest came from itself, as the immediate results with these birds were pheonominal! Up to today I believe that better DAY-FOND birds will be hard to come by !

NL91-2750194 BEST WHZB 1994!
Also many NATIONAL ACE PIGEONS carry this incredible potent blood, the NATIONAL BEST COCK in 1994, 8th BEST COCK OF HOLLAND 1993 of the combination "KEUNEN-NIJSSEN" of Sevenum, NL91-2750194, is bred from NL88-1691033, bred by Klaas Krom from the no. 1 pair! He also got the "KROM" LOOKS ! See his photo on this page!
The NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MIDDLE DISTANCE 1996 was won by BERTUS CAMPHUIS in EEFDE, the birds that brought him the CHAMPIONSHIP were......DECENDANTS and CHILDREN OFF THE "KROM-PAIR" !!! The "KROM PAIR" was NL84-1414284, bred by KLAAS KROM from his famous "300", NL83-259300, 4th NATIONAL YOUNG ACE PIGEON W.H.Z.B. , when paired to NL88-166300, from son VERBART 46 and the "KARIN KANIA", NL86-905384, also bred by KLAAS KROM, full-sister of the foundation hen "GRIJS 336", NL86-905336, the hen of PAIR NO. 1 ! The "KROM PAIR", bred a load of sensational racers, NL89-2571442, four years ace pigeon, NL89-6019724, when six years old still both cocks winning 1st and 2nd ACE PIGEON in ZUTHPEN FEDERATION, 3rd NATIONAL CHAMPION OF HOLLAND in 1995!!
NL89-2571442 paired to full-sister of "WONDERBOY 05" !
NL89-6019724 PAIRED TO DAM OF "WONDERBOYS 05 & 06 "!
NL89-6019724, "THE CHAMP"!! Six years old CHAMPION PIGEON !!
1st NATIONAL CHAMPION MIDDLE DISTANCE in 1996 and one of the key players was: NL93-2101462, winner of 4 firsts club in 1995, son of the "KROM PAIR"! This pair is responsible for exceptional performance in many lofts world-wide! Didn't breed Marcel Sangers most of his NATIONAL ACES from Bertus Campuis stock? To cut a long story short: the succes of the KLAAS KROM birds in the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS, COMBINE, FEDERATION and CLUB winnings is beyond comparison! On the day, the pigeons of the future!

NL86-16080668. "WITBEF"

NL86-905336. "GRIJS 336".
Sire is NL86-1680668, "WITBEF", bred by Vroomen Brothers Geverik, from the foundation cock NL74-885750, "WONDERE IJZEREN 50 ", see his performance above ! "WONDERE IJZEREN 50" was a son of the foundation cock NL70-890950, "LANGE NEK", when paired to NL72-600217, the "KWEEKMOEDERTJE"!
Dam of champion producer "WITBEF" is NL83-1131262, "AARDEN 262", bred by Frits Rennenberg Bingelrade, from NL79-2030251, "BAARD", and NL79-325422, "SISTER 66", or "MADAME BARCELONA", 5 years running topprizes National and International Barcelona, daughter from the foundation pair NL72-313642, son of the world famous "131" of Jan de Weert, when paired to NL72-313660, daughter of full-brother "131" Jan de Weert and NL69-2095461, daughter "131"!!! "BAARD 251", was again bred from a son of the foundation pair "642" and "660", thus very inbred to the legend "131" of Jan de Weert!
Dam is NL86-905336, "GRIJS 336", SUPREME STOCKHEN, sister and half sister of more that 20 FIRST PRIZE WINNERS and dam and granddam of countless WINNERS, CHAMPIONS and ACE-PIGEONS ! She is daughter of NL79-1976351, "GROTE ORLEANS", sire of over 20 first prize winners, bred by Vroomen Brothers from NL72-689222, "DEN ORLEANS", a pure "Warre Goossens" Aerschot (B.) cock, bred from NL68-1265742, from son ACE PIGEON OF BELGIUM and sister "90"of legendary ace flyer Piet Meeuvissen Meersen, when paired to NL69-63324, daughter of ACE PIGEON BELGIUM Warre Goossens and the WONDERHEN, from the superchampions "DARRIGADE" of Warre Goossens! Warre Goossens was a true phenomical fanciers who trurned the world up-side down, with his fantastic wins! His birds originated mainly from the JANSSEN BROTHERS! Dam of "GROTE ORLEANS", is NL78-1023714, "GRIJZE SJEK", daughter of NL74-885750, "WONDERE IJZEREN 50" and NL72-677236, daughter of NL68-1265701, "701" Warre Goossens" and B67-1004754, "VERENPOOT", Warre Goossens! You sometimes will be confronted with "featherleggs" in this family, now you know where they come from ! Dam of the famous "GRIJS 336" is B85-6382201, "GOEDE 01", bred by JANSSEN BROTHERS of ARENDONK, from B79-6264424, "SON GOEDDUIFJE van '72", when paired to B79-6263299, "DAUGHTER GOEDE JAARLING '72", B72-6112522 and B75-6100286, daughter of "ROODOOGSKE" and "GOEDDUIFKE van '72 ", B72-6112590!


PAIR NO. 2. Sire is NL92-1044426, "LIEVELING", CHAMPION RACER, son from the foundation pair "WITBEF" AND "GRIJS 336"! Also "LIEVELING" has bred winners and specially in combination with "46" VERBART lines succes is within reach! His hen for 2001 is NL94-2542309, "ROVERKE", bred by B. Camphuis Eefde from NL89-1140179, INBRED "46", from NL88-1662954, "BLAUWE ROVER", from son "46" NL80-1987177, "ROVER" and NL82-2104158, "SISTER ROOIE APPIE", when paired to NL79-808548, direct daughter of the famous NL65-1384946, "46" VERBART ! Dam of "ROVERKE" is NL91-1578598, "VOSKE", daughter of NL85-722613, "FATHER WONDERBOY'S", when paired to NL82-2140793, "SISTER OSCAR", inbred "531" WOUT SMEULDERS !

NL94-1288045. "JONGE WITB

NL92-1044439. "WITPEN 300"
PAIR NO. 3. Sire NL94-1288045, "JONGE WITBEF", exceptional producer from the foundation pair "WITBEF" and "GRIJS 336"! He has bred winners and topclass producers world-wide ! His hen for 2001 is NL92-1044439, direct daughter of the other legend of Klaas Kroms, "CHAMPION RUFFEC 300", NL83-2593300, "CHAMPION ACE PIGEON KUSTSTROOK", 4th NATIONAL ACE YB W.H.Z.B. , sire of the loft, see also the performance of his grandchildren at Bertus Camphuis loft ! "RUFFEC 300" is son of NL78-1023732, "ZWARTE NEK", son of NL70-890950, "LANGE NEK", THE FOUNDER OF THE STRAIN, when paired to NL69-63324, daughter ACE PIGEON OF BELGIUM WARRE GOOSSENS! Dam of "300"is NL80-340132, daughter of the "ACE 32", NL76-837732, son of "LANGE NEK"and "KWEEKMOEDERTJE"!

NL96-2684792. "FAVORIET"
NL97-2005686. "SUPER 23"
PAIR NO. 4. Sire NL96-2684792, "FAVORIET", son of the foundation pair "WITBEF"and "GRIJS 336" ! This cock has bred winners and champions specially with "DAUGHTER SUPER 23", NL97-2005686, the 1999 Champion Middle Distance was bred and the same cock is in 2000, 2nd GENERAAL CHAMPION PV LUCHTBODE! Daughter "SUPER 23", is bred by Comb. Brouwers & Kodama, off their foundation cock, sire of the loft that has unbeaten performance on MUNICH NATIONAL, "SUPER 23", NL86-1710123, sire of WINNERS and CHAMPIONS like the "TURBO", 1st Montargis 1.381 birds, 1st Orleans 682 birds, 1st Rethel 1.880 birds! He was paired to NL96-1182227, "PAM", ACE PIGEON YB, daughter of NL90-1419327, "BASTAARD", 1ST PROVINCIAL ACE PIGEON 1994, 1995, winner of 5 FIRSTS !

NL96-2677777. "SUPER 77777".
NL94-1288050." SCHOONDONKER ".
PAIR NO. 8. Sire NL96-2677777, "SUPER 77777", son of the "WITBEF 308", NL90-1297308, see pair 7, when paired to NL86-905336, "GRIJS 336", the no. 1 foundation hen of the family! "SUPER 77777", is an incredible producer and has bred fantastic birds with different hens. The best results were with the he he will be paired to in 2001, NL94-1288050, "SCHOONDONKER 50", brilliant daughter of "CHAMPION RUFFEC 300", NL83-259300, the superstar for Klaas Krom, see also pair 3. Dam of "SCHOONDONKER 50" is NL92-1044425, the winning nest-mate of champion producer "LIEVELING", see pair 2. GREAT PAIR !
NL94-1288051. "JONGE RUFFEC 300"
NL97-2561255. "BERTINE".
PAIR NO, 9. Sire NL94-1288051, "JONGE RUFFEC 300", the look-a-like son of champion "RUFFEC 300", NL83-259300, 4th NATIONAL ACE YB, foundation cock of the loft Klaas Krom, when paired to NL92-1044425, winner as YB daughter of the foundation pair no 1, "WITBEF" and "GRIJS 336"! "JONGE RUFFEC 300" a superstar in Herman Beverdams stockloft, will be paired to NL97-2561255, "BERTINE", bred by Bertus Camphuis from his famous "KROM-PAIR"! Her sire is NL84-141284, "ZOON RUFFEC 300", direct son of the famous "RUFFEC 300" of Klaas krom, when paired to NL88-1663001, daughter "KARIN KANIA", NL86-905384, full-sister "GRIJS 336"!! FANTASTIC COMBINATION!!
NL98-2219839. "SUPERKROM"
NL97-2608000. "BITCHY"
PAIR NO. 10. Sire NL98-2219839, "SUPERKROM", direct son of the "KROM-PAIR" of Bertus Camphuis Eefde, the pair that bred sensational birds including this real exceptional one ! He is full-brother to the famous champions NL89-442, NL89-724, NL92-216, NL93-546 and many more ! "SUPERKROM" HAS GOT IT ALL! He will be paired to NL97-2608000, "BITCHY", topdaughter of champion "RUFFEC 300", NL83-259300, the foundation cock, when paired to NL93-2798010," CHAMPION 010", sensational racing hen and superior producer bred from NL86-905245, "OUDE KROM",

NL97-2433111. "ORLEANSKE".
"ORLEANSKE", NL97-2433111, brilliant racer as YB scoring in YB Derby MOESKROEN, 8th OPEN COMBINE 12.304 birds, two weeks later 7th OPEN NATIONAL ORLEANS 5.151 birds, both races with headwinds and high temperatures ! "ORLEANSKE" is bred from NL90-2564183, "DONKEREN 183", son of the "OLD KROM", NL86-905245, son of the famous "062", NL81-1485062, winner Chimay, winner Chateauroux, inbred to the foundation cock "LANGE NEK"! Dam of "ORLEANSKE" is NL88-1691083, ZUSTER 300", sister of the famous "RUFFEC 300"! THE OLD LINES IN PERFECTION!
NL97-2608074. "GLADIATOR".
PAIR NO. 17. Sire NL97-2608074, "GLADIATOR", CHAMPION ACE PIGEON LONGDISTANCE CLUB "FOND-UNION TWENTE" 1999, with absolute topperformances on all long-distance races: Etampes, 532 km, 594th of 4.068 birds, Orleans 590 km, 7th 8.069 birds, Bourges 649 km 112th of 5.503 birds, Ruffec 838 km 151th of 4.882 birds, Bergerac 942 km 165th of 3.580 birds ! In 2000 this unique champions starts the scores with Ruffec, 14th National N.P.O. 6.320 birds, Orleans 590 km 7th NATIONAL N.P.O. 9.500 birds! This with an overfly of 60 km !! "GLADIATOR" is a son of NL96-2153376, "DEN HAAN", topclass producer from NL95-1392062, "HIGHLANDER", son "WONDERBOY 05" NL88-2854505, when paired to NL89-1140131, daughter "ROVER", NL80-1987177, son of "VERBART 46"! Dam of "DEN HAAN" is NL95-2663831, "DONNA", daughter of NL86-353966, "PROVO", from son "VERBART 46", NL78-1807811 and B77-6796815, bred by Janssen Brothers from BLAUWE '69 ! Dam of "DONNA"is NL86-871201, "MADONNA", daughter of again son of "VERBART 46 ", NL79-808704, when paired to sister "OLD 05" of Bertus Camphuis. "DONNA" is a full-sister of the "CARWINNER 801" ETAMPES for Bertus Camhuis in Eefde. Dam of "GLADIATOR" is NL91-2054927, "BLAUWWONDER", daughter of the foundation pair no. 1 " WITBEF", NL86-1680668 and NL86-905336, "GRIJS 336"! The hen for "GLADIATOR" is NL94-1287870, "GOED WITBEFJE", top distance hen for Klaas Krom, daughter of NL83-1118025, "JONGE IJZEREN 025", son of NL74-885750, "WONDEREN IJZEREN 50", foundation cock and NL74-673250, "LAAT DONKER", full sister of FIRST INTERPROV. BORDEAUX a 100% DESMET MATHIJS ! Dam of "GOED WITBEFJE" is NL91-2054927, "BLAUWWONDER", daughter of the foundation pair no. 1, see above! HALF-BROTHER-HALF- SISTER MATING OF THE BEST !
NL96-2665521. "WONDERBOY 724"
PAIR NO. 20. Sire NL96-2665521, "WONDERBOY 724", fantastic producer from the cream of the Camphuis Krom family! He is son of NL89-6019724, SPRINT CHAMPION and OVERALL CHAMPION with his full-brother 1st and 2nd place C.C. ZUTHPEN in 1995 being six years old! "724" son of the famous "KROM PAIR", see pair and intro Camphuis results! His dam is NL86-339656, "MOTHER WONDERBOYS", see photo of parents ! This cock is quite unique and his class is sensational! He will be paired to NL94-1287882, "882, DOCHTER 300", direct daughter of the CHAMPION RUFFEC 300, NL83-259300, when paired to NL93-255239, daughter foundation pair "WITBEF" and "GRIJS 336"! A PAIR WITH CLASS GOING BACK TO THE FOUNDATION COCK "RUFFEC 300"!

NL97-5775939. "GOEDE JAARLING".
PAIR NO. 22. Sire NL97-5775939, "GOEDE JAARLING", best raced yearling in 1998 for Bertus Camphuis scoring : 17th of 3.079 birds, 36th of 2.749 birds, 9th of 1.644 birds, 8th of 1.613 birds, 7th of 4.184 birds, etc..! He is son of NL95-5537719, "SCHALIE 719", bred from NL91-1578440, MIDDLE DISTANCE CHAMPION combine Rijn IJssel, when paired to NL91-5033618, dochter brother "Wonderboys".
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